Chromebook + Ubuntu = Steam

Don’t try to follow the math in the title, it’s very complex, but if you’d like to play Steam games on your Chromebook, then you’re among friends. Before you can install Steam, you’ll need to install Ubuntu via Crouton. It’s quick, painless and totally reversible, check out my articles: Linux on your Chromebook? and Ubuntu 16.04…

Format External Devices for Ubuntu

This is a quick demonstration on formatting your external device for Ubuntu, specific to Crouton Ubuntu installations on Chromebooks. I’ll be using an SD Card and formatting it to ext4 with the partition utility GParted. Step 1: Install and run GParted via the terminal in your Ubuntu environment: sudo apt-get install gparted Next, in order…

Arduino IDE on your Chromebook

Want to write code and upload it to your board using your Chromebook? It’s easy via your Ubuntu crouton installation. If you haven’t already set that up, follow my quick guide to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on a Chromebook. For more information you can read the introductory guide: Linux on your Chromebook?   Step 1: Download…

Linux on your Chromebook?

The “What” What follows will be a series of “How To’s” revolving around using Crouton to run Linux on a Chromebook and the options that that opens up. First I’ll go through a basic Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial setup on a Chromebook that you can build off of based on your needs. These articles are…